Saturday, October 09, 2004

I saved up 200 million exp and trained block from 1150 to 1306. Of course, I don't notice the difference, but that's normal I guess. I sometimes wonder if I should be spending all my exp on instead of anything else. I wish they would integrate 'hiding' into something that would help us, after all, thieves are suppposed to be stealthy/sneaky, and that should account for something in combat shouldn't it?

Right now I'm at about 25 million exp and I don't really have any clue what I'll spend it on, which is sort of odd, I've always had a plan up till now, so I'm just gaining exp without a real idea of (what) or when I'll spend it (on).

With 4500 pointed and 4700 attack you would think that I'd be able to kill things faster than I do. I think about the only way a thief skill could equal the storm L shield is if thieves had a 'stop combat' or something. L shield is just crazy.